Simple Ways to Look More Professional as a Freelancer ✨

Simple Ways to Look More Professional as a Freelancer ✨

We know that presenting yourself as a reliable and trustworthy freelancer is sometimes difficult. The freelancing market can be competitive and if you don’t have a lot of experience you might feel a little bit overwhelmed.

But hey, that’s totally normal and this is why we’d like to share some ideas to take some of the weight off your shoulders.

What’s important is that you’re aware of the importance of always being professional. This will help you establish long-term relationships with your clients and give them a good reason to give you a referral.

Keep on reading and find out simple ways to look more professional as a freelancer which will surely make you shine and stand out of the crowd 🌟

5 Effective Strategies For Collecting Unpaid Invoices From Clients 💸

5 Effective Strategies For Collecting Unpaid Invoices From Clients 💸

We know that it’s hard to deal with late payments and unpaid invoices as a freelancer, so we’ve put together a guide that will help you collect unpaid invoices from clients.

Even though it’s a frustrating process, try to stay calm and keep a friendly and professional approach throughout the process. We’re sure that following these steps will help you right away but we also recommend reaching out to a freelance community on social media for further ideas, insights and support.

10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started Freelancing 🗻

10 Things I Wish I’d Known When I Started Freelancing 🗻

Discover the 10 life changing freelancing tips you wished you’d known when you started freelancing, and learn to freelance like a pro.

You’ll learn the secrets to gain confidence and how to avoid the common mistakes new freelancers make. Set yourself up for success, feel more in control and find out how to look more professional to your clients.

How to Make a Simple Invoice 📝

How to Make a Simple Invoice 📝

We reveal the most simple and stress-free way to create an easy invoice and all the essential details to include. Discover the secrets to making spot on invoices and take it as your go-to free invoice template for all times.

Stop feeling overwhelmed and start feeling more in control, you're in the right place.